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July 16, 2007 12:17 AM UTC

LAMBORN CRASHES! His net cash on hand goes up $29 in 2nd Qrtr.Raises only $36,861.99 in 2nd Quarter

  • by: CD-5 Line

His disbursements were $36,832.07! 

$36,861.99 raised minus $36,832.07 spent = $29.92 net.

Can we say that when you are able in 3 months of campaign funds solicititions to add only a net cash amount of $29 and loose change to your campaign coffers you are in SERIOUS TROUBLE!

As I suspected, this emphasizes his desperation in having a meet and greet on July 11 with Jack Abramoff’s old employer in DC–something neither Joel Hefley nor Jeff Crank would have ever contemplated.  Lamborn appears hopelessly DESPERATE!  But, I had no idea his campaign would have such seriously poor performance as this 2nd quarter’s anemic fundraising results underscore. 

He raised approximately $2,250 from individiual donors–with only one donor from within the 5th CD and then the donation was only $100–and the rest were from PACs.  As the Gazette reported from its interview with Eric Sonderman “Expert:  Lamborn is Vulnerable in 2008” http://www.gazette.c… “It strikes me that given the political situation, Doug has one overriding imperative, which is to look and be as formidable as possible, and this fundraising for the second quarter does not meet that test,” Sondermann said. “This is a weak fundraising report by any mark, particularly for one who may be in a fight for his political life.”


Other interesting points to note:

1.  Lamborn owed The Rainmakers $16,000 at the end of the 1st quarter for fundraising commissions.  Well, this is tragic–his disbursements show he paid them $5,000 in the 2nd quarter as debt repayment.  In other words, he still owes them $11,000 from the first quarter!  That really puts his net addition of $29 in cash for the second quarter in perspective. 

2.  I think you have in his 2nd quarter’s finances the reason why he’s been “franking us to death”.  If he can’t do better than add a net of $29 in cash in one quarter to his bank account, where’s he going to get the money to “get out his name”?  Looks like at taxpayer’s expense.


30 thoughts on “LAMBORN CRASHES! His net cash on hand goes up $29 in 2nd Qrtr.Raises only $36,861.99 in 2nd Quarter

      1. No, I was just figuring it would be around what it was last quarter, which was around $75k if I remember right. I certainly knew he wouldn’t do better than that. But, you are right, this is pretty bad.

    1. But, he’s “stuck” and if he does entertain giving up the ghost, he’s going to need to wait in the hopes he can lure enough donors into donations so as to pay himself back the money his campaign owes him for his loans to the campaign in 2006.  Any chance Lamborn has of paying himself is shot to hell if he announces too soon he’s not going to run again. 

      But, it is distinctly another financial nail in the coffin–another bad sign of problems with his cash flow–that he owed himself $47,500 at the end of the 1st quarter–and, failed to pay himself anythinig at all for his loan in the 2nd quarter.  His campaign still owes him $47,500! [When he can add only a net $29 to his campaign cash in one quarter, expectancies of paying himself back may be sliding as low as his popularity is in the 5th CD.  I’m sure it’s depressing to Lamborn.  But, if he gets stiffed, it’s deserving if he stiffs himself.]

      So, Lamborn is not only slow paying his fundraisers–as if they’re doing him any good (but, then, look who they’re working with)–he’s also not currently reducing his debt to himself. 

  1. Everyone must remain determined in order to get this yo-yo out of office. It is an uphill battle against an incumbent, let us all remember that.

    1. With numbers like these that Lamborn’s putting up for fundraising, any hesitation Jeff Crank could possibly have had surely should disappear.  He’s the only one realistically that can defeat Lamborn–but, Rayburn is listening to Chuck Gosnell, via Will Perkins, and is determined to run.  Gosnell and the Hotaling boys and Lamborn know that in a 2 man race–Lamborn mano a mano against Crank–Lamborn will be spitted and skewered.  They’ve got to get Rayburn to run to have any hope of defeating Crank in a 3 man race.  And, the way Rayburn has carpetbagged the 5th CD–and gave us Lamborn the first time as well–it’s clear his ego is easily appealed to by Will Perkins.  But, ultimately, Rayburn is just shopping for someone to tell him to do what he wants to do anyway. 


    I have a few friends at strategically low places (e.g. Lamborn’s office) and the rumor from D.C. staffers is that Mr. L and Jeannie are sharpening their hatchets and readying the block for key staffers.


    1. Look.  Getting let go may be the blessing in disguise, especially this early in his term.  No one wants to be the rat voluntarily leaving the sinking ship, so, if Captain Lamborn and his mate throw a few rats overboard, they’re just getting further away and ahead of the others before the ship’s suction on sinking pulls them back in and down with the whirlpool. 

  3. These are terrible numbers for Lamborn.  He must be even more unpopular with the general Republican base here in the Springs than anyone thought.  He must be popping Rolaids like M&M’s right now.

  4. Is it all vituperation and bile left over from his “sleazy” campaign,
    or are there things he has done or failed to do in his first 5 1/2 months in office that have you folks wanting to crucify him ? 

    I think it’s awful that he appeared to be in the pocket of the elitist Club for Growth. 

    During the General campaign, he told me to shut up [Canon City] when I echoed Jay’s challenge on his apparent support for mercenaries.

    He’s a lousy public speaker. 

    His Mother wears Army boots. 

    In sum, I wanted him to lose.  Not just as a Democrat, but also as a conservative. 

    But if he has been so bad for the District now that he is in office, please list the reasons. 

    I understand holding a grudge.  But if that’s all it is, save it for the campaign. 

    1. But, are you not paying attention to things such as these? 

      Water storage issues for Colorado Springs.

      Pinyon Canyon issues for Colorado Springs.

      Representative Salazar has danced circles around Doug Lamborn on the two things that are the most critical for our economy.  Doug Lamborn has failed–and miserably–at the two things most important to the single largest economy in the 5th CD.  Need I say more?

      1. as far as the water storage, does that refer to something specific ? 
        I remember that Congressman Hefley screwed up a deal to get an EIS funded for the Southern Delivery System, which would have signaled tacit Congressional approval for the entire project. 
        Has Congressman Lamborn topped that ? 

        as far as PCMS expansion, is there a consensus position about what is best for the District ? 
        I assume you are thinking that the more land added to PCMS, the less likely that Fort Carson gets BRAC’ed ? 

        Not to defend the man, but is it possible he is working behind the scenes to work a deal with John Salazar ? 
        Theses two issues appear to pit CD-5 against CD-3. 

        If he can break the logjam over access to millions in water that belongs to Colorado Springs but washes down the Arkansas, never being put to use by the city, it might be worth making concessions on expanding the training site that, for the most part, cannot be used for mech infantry, artillery or armor training anyway. 

        1. Won’t get “BRAC’ed”, Hefley stayed on to ensure its existence. 

          It is highly unlikely, for a number of reasons, that Lamborn would be able to broker a deal with Salazar. CD3 would view a project that did not have a pipe up AND back to Springs as a failure because of the Fountain Creek issues. CD5 big-timers like CSU would see this as a huge defeat because of the added cost of a pipe back down to Pueblo.

          In the most basic of terms, the different invested parties in PC and SDS are too fractured for there to be specific concessions on one that others would see as being worthwhile. Developers in Springs, for example, would want PC expanded AND have SDS so the market can take off again and they can sell all of Banning Lewis Ranch.

  5.   But let’s put that in perspective.  Markey raised the same amount of money as Lamborn, but she is not an incumbent nor has she ever held elective office before, she kicked in $25,000 out of her own pocket (Lamborn can’t really do that since he still owes himself money he loaned to his campaign in ’06), and Markey is not the ranking wait-listed member of the House Armed Services Committee.

  6.   At $29 in net campaign contribution in the second quarter, at this rate of fundraising, Lamborn should have a total of $174 in the bank come Election Day ’08.
      Any word on how much he’s hoping to realize from the Jack Abramoff lobbying firm fundraiser this month?

  7. my Republican friends to return to office the most incompetent, ethically challenged, technically ignorant, divisive, unproductive, powerless and clueless R to this seat.

    Then eventually, the whole R establishment will crack in EPC and we’ll be able to vote a normal human into that office.

    1. the team you supported last year set the high water mark for a Dem in this District, and most folks really didn’t know much about the Republican guy they voted for. 

      Now they know him better. 

      Any hints about taking another shot ? 

        1. I just ran the numbers (because I thought you might be wrong), and if Fawcett got 99% in the other counties, Lamborn would have gotten 104,195 votes, or 50.36%, Fawcett 102,497 or 49.57%

  8. wont even buy him a seat at the Lincoln Day Dinner coming up!  Rayburn bought a bunch of seats and maybe he would be nice enough to give one to Lamborn.  After all, he did endorse Lamborn after the primary…

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